For inquiries about the Calgary Event Centre
United Inc.
CANA Construction
Carruthers & Associates
Construction Management
This four-storey active living community located in Airdrie, Alberta, houses 82 self-contained suites. There are numerous amenities, including a large library, exercise and craft rooms, and a workshop. Kitchen and dining room areas are available for residents to host large gatherings with family and friends. Large windows were used to provide plenty of natural light in these common areas. Recreational facilities include a large communal room with pool tables and couches. This complex has underground parking (one level) and detached garages for residents who require additional storage space. CANA also completed the hard landscaping around the complex.
We are best known for our unique and one-of-a-kind projects, but these projects are just some of many institutional, commercial, industrial, residential and infrastructure work that we complete.