ATCO Centre Edmonton Phases 1 and 2

November 1, 2020

The project involved renovations to 18 stories of ATCO Centre in downtown Edmonton, which were completed in two phases under a fast-tracked approach. The tower remained occupied during the work.

ATCO’s goal with the renovations was to re-develop spaces comprised predominately of cellular offices into new collaborative workstations. The extent of CANA’s scope included asbestos abatement, structural slab infills where feature staircases were removed from the upper floors, complete demolition including mechanical and electrical (M&E) systems, new finishes such as flooring, light fixtures, M&E to suit an open-office concept, new fibre optics and distribution, and new kitchenettes. Where possible, materials such as plumbing, light fixtures, ceiling tiles, and doors were salvaged and re-used in the new construction to support ATCO’s sustainability focus. Any items which were not re-used were recycled where possible.

CANA supported the effective decanting of staff for the renovations in a matter that limited disruption. CANA worked with the building operators and affected departments to plan and coordinatedthe work around their requirements. Major demolition and structural slab infills were completed after hours to prevent impact to operations.

Fun fact: CANA built the original building in the 1980s.
